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Mary as th only daughtr ho rand at ho; and sh as ncssarly dran fro th pursut of accoplshnts y Mrs.Bnnt's ng qut unal to st alon.Mary as olgd to x or th th orld,ut sh could stll oralz ovr vry ornng vst;and as sh as no longr ortfd y coparsons tn hr sstrs' auty and hr on,t as suspctd y hr fathr that sh suttd to th chang thout uch rluctanc.
As for Wckha and Lyda,thr charactrs suffrd no rvoluton fro th arrag of hr sstrs. H or th phlosophy th convcton that Elzath ust no co acquantd th hatvr of hs ngrattud and falshood had for n unknon to hr;and n spt of vry thng,as not holly thout hop that Darcy ght yt prvald on to ak hs fortun.Th congratulatory lttr hch Elzath rcvd fro Lyda on hr arrag,xpland to hr that,y hs f at last,f not y hslf,such a hop as chrshd.Th lttr as to ths ffct:
“My Dar Lzzy,
“I sh you joy. If you lov Mr. Darcy half as ll as I do y dar Wckha,you ust vry happy.It s a grat cofort to hav you so rch,and hn you hav nothng ls to do,I hop you ll thnk of us. I a sur Wckha ould lk a plac at court vry uch,and I do not thnk shall hav qut ony nough to lv upon thout so hlp.Any plac ould do,of aout thr or four hundrd a yar;ut hovr,do not spak to Mr.Darcy aout t,f you had rathr not.
As t happnd that Elzath had uch rathr not, sh ndavourd n hr ansr to put an nd to vry ntraty and xpctaton of th knd.Such rlf,hovr,as t as n hr por to afford,y th practc of hat ght calld conoy n hr on prvat xpncs,sh frquntly snt th.It had alays n vdnt to hr that such an nco as thrs,undr th drcton of to prsons so xtravagant n thr ants,and hdlss of th futur,ust vry nsuffcnt to thr support;and hnvr thy changd thr quartrs, thr Jan or hrslf r sur of ng appld to for so lttl assstanc toards dschargng thr lls.Thr annr of lvng,vn hn th rstoraton of pac dsssd th to a ho,as unsttld n th xtr.Thy r alays ovng fro plac to plac n qust of a chap stuaton,and alays spndng or than thy ought.Hs affcton for hr soon sunk nto ndffrnc;hrs lastd a lttl longr;and n spt of hr youth and hr annrs,sh rtand all th clas to rputaton hch hr arrag had gvn hr.
Though Darcy could nvr rcv h at Prly, yt, for Elzath's sak,h assstd h furthr n hs profsson.Lyda as occasonally a vstor thr, hn hr husand as gon to njoy hslf n London or Bath; and th th Bnglys thy oth of th frquntly stayd so long,that vn Bngly's good huour as ovrco,and h procdd so far as to talk of gvng th a hnt to gon.
Mss Bngly as vry dply ortfd y Darcy's arrag;ut as sh thought t advsal to rtan th rght of vstng at Prly,sh dropt all hr rsntnt;as fondr than vr of Gorgana,alost as attntv to Darcy as hrtofor,and pad off vry arrar of cvlty to Elzath.
Prly as no Gorgana's ho;and th attachnt of th sstrs as xactly hat Darcy had hopd to s.Thy r al to lov ach othr vn as ll as thy ntndd.Gorgana had th hghst opnon n th orld of Elzath;though at frst sh oftn lstnd th an astonshnt ordrng on alar at hr lvly,sportv annr of talkng to hr rothr.H,ho had alays nsprd n hrslf a rspct hch alost ovrca hr affcton,sh no sa th ojct of opn plasantry.Hr nd rcvd knoldg hch had nvr for falln n hr ay.By Elzath's nstructons,sh gan to coprhnd that a oan ay tak lrts th hr husand hch a rothr ll not alays allo n a sstr or than tn yars youngr than hslf.
Lady Cathrn as xtrly ndgnant on th arrag of hr nph; and as sh gav ay to all th gnun franknss of hr charactr n hr rply to th lttr hch announcd ts arrangnt, sh snt h languag so vry ausv, spcally of Elzath, that for so t all ntrcours as at an nd. But at lngth,y Elzath's prsuason,h as prvald on to ovrlook th offnc,and sk a rconclaton;and,aftr a lttl furthr rsstanc on th part of hs aunt, hr rsntnt gav ay,thr to hr affcton for h,or hr curosty to s ho hs f conductd hrslf; and sh condscndd to at on th at Prly,n spt of that polluton hch ts oods had rcvd,not rly fro th prsnc of such a strss,ut th vsts of hr uncl and aunt fro th cty.
Wth th Gardnrs, thy r alays on th ost ntat trs. Darcy, as ll as Elzath, rally lovd th; and thy r oth vr snsl of th arst grattud toards th prsons ho, y rngng hr nto Dryshr, had n th ans of untng th.